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Showing posts with the label interview questions

Some SDL Tridion Interview Questions…

Many of my friends keep asking me to provide some interview questions related with SDL Tridion . Surprisingly, there are hardly any site available for questions related with SDL Tridion., though you can find host of sites for other WCMs like AEM and Sitecore. Hence, I thought to put some basic Tridion related questions on the basis of my experience with it. I know it may require several improvements but thought to share something for someone who is looking to get some Tridion related questions to start with. I will be glad to incorporate any suggestion you have. Development phases related questions - What is the development methodology recommended by SDL for development/integration based on SDL Tridion? Have you participated in any Blueprinting workshop, please share the experience? What are the inputs required in BluePrint? How can inheritance of content flow be altered explicitly? What are priority and ranking in Blueprint? What are the inputs required for Content Modeling ...