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Some SDL Tridion Interview Questions…

Many of my friends keep asking me to provide some interview questions related with SDL Tridion Smile. Surprisingly, there are hardly any site available for questions related with SDL Tridion., though you can find host of sites for other WCMs like AEM and Sitecore. Hence, I thought to put some basic Tridion related questions on the basis of my experience with it. I know it may require several improvements but thought to share something for someone who is looking to get some Tridion related questions to start with. I will be glad to incorporate any suggestion you have.
Development phases related questions -
  1. What is the development methodology recommended by SDL for development/integration based on SDL Tridion?
  2. Have you participated in any Blueprinting workshop, please share the experience? What are the inputs required in BluePrint?
  3. How can inheritance of content flow be altered explicitly? What are priority and ranking in Blueprint?
  4. What are the inputs required for Content Modeling and what is the outcome expected out of Content Modeling exercise?
  5. What are the various templating methods available in SDL Tridion, and which one is recommended?
  6. What is the recommended way of setting up Tridion environments, what will the minimum viable Environment recommendation if the requirements is to have well performing cm, publishing, cd and XPM (for whole DTAP)
  7. Experience manager is one of the sought for feature by customers, however there are some intrinsic challenges in overusing XPM, can you elaborate?
Development related questions -
  1. What are the building blocks of SDL Tridion?
  2. How often should we change schema in an ideal scenario?
  3. Please explain PageLifecycle in Tridion CMS?
  4. Any Integration experience with external system like DAM, Solr, ADFS etc
  5. What are various integration/extension points in Tridion?
  6. How can URL translation be enabled in Tridion?
  7. What is the difference between TRI and DXA?
  8. What has changed with introduction of DXA by SDL?
  9. Did you get any work on Workflow customization, can you explain the scenario.
  10. What is the best recommended way to segregate .Net and Tridion Code?
  11. What is the recommended approach to disable or hiding a structure group?
Audience manager & Outbound mails -
  1. What are the different types of address books available in Audience Manager? In a scenario, where an organization is looking for one global address but not allowing local authors to delete any address, how would you set it up?
  2. How can you setup tracking on links clicked in a Newsletter. Can you personalize salutations?
Other Tridion questions -
  1. How is SmartTarget and Fredhopper related?
  2. What is the recommended approach of caching heavy assets like large PDFs, videos etc?
  3. Please provide the recommended approaches for integration with external DAM.
  4. Can you integrate ADFS security in Tridion CM environment?
  5. How rich is RTF (rich text field) fields, can we handle images in responsive manner there? How about other assets.
  6. How to implement caching in CMS and Third party integration.
  7. What are the various sites that provide help to developers and other stake holders for Digital transformation with SDL Tridion.
.Net (or Java) forms the core of Tridion, for building components, hence good amount of focus is there on .Net interview questions as well in any Tridion interview. There are hundreds of link related with .Net interview questions. However, if you want, you can also visit my website dedicated on .net at Coding It has host of several similar articles.  

Yon can search on Tridion portals for answers at stackexchange and sdltridionworld, giving answers here won't be too ethical :). However, yon can reach out to me through comment section for any particular answer you are looking for, I will try to get back to you as soon as posssible.

Thank you, hope this helps!


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