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Showing posts from 2015

Some SDL Tridion Interview Questions…

Many of my friends keep asking me to provide some interview questions related with SDL Tridion . Surprisingly, there are hardly any site available for questions related with SDL Tridion., though you can find host of sites for other WCMs like AEM and Sitecore. Hence, I thought to put some basic Tridion related questions on the basis of my experience with it. I know it may require several improvements but thought to share something for someone who is looking to get some Tridion related questions to start with. I will be glad to incorporate any suggestion you have. Development phases related questions - What is the development methodology recommended by SDL for development/integration based on SDL Tridion? Have you participated in any Blueprinting workshop, please share the experience? What are the inputs required in BluePrint? How can inheritance of content flow be altered explicitly? What are priority and ranking in Blueprint? What are the inputs required for Content Modeling ...

Learnings and reflections from Extreme Programming Conference!

Alvin Toffler, renowned American author, known also for his works discussing the "Digital revolution" once said " The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. " Hello, At outset of my career I chose not to be modern illiterate :) hence I keep learning aggressively whenever I get chance, keep unlearning what is not relevant and keep relearning stuffs whenever required . With learning as a prominent goal in mind, I had a hectic but really productive learning weekends recently. It started with two days' workshop (24-25th July) on "High Impact Presentation" by Dale Carnegie Training conducted by Mindtree. Then two days' workshop (8-9th August) on "Extreme Programming Conference" by industry experts again conducted by Mindtree and finally attended "Judges Training Program" on 10th August conducted by Toastmasters International. Out of...

Reading content from AEM CRX

Large portion of a developer work in any Web content management tool is to display content. Here are the three ways to do so in AEM/CQ5 - 1. Through Properties Object - The properties object is an instance of the ValueMap class and contains all properties of the current resource. For example - properties.get("jcr:title") 2. Through Current Page Object – The currentPage object is an instance of the Page class, which provides some methods to access content. For example - currentPage.getTitle() 3. Through Current Node Object – The currentNode object is an instance of the Node which provides access to content via the getProperty() method. For example - currentNode.getProperty("jcr:title").getString() Here is the complete code snippet for trying all these three options Let’s test this script by requesting a page in Site Admin that implements this “Page component”. Thank you!

Why Digital transformation are harder to execute for Europe than US?

  I found some stark differences of working style in both the regions’ people. Most of the Indian IT companies are trying to consolidate their position in Europe after a level of saturation in US, UK, Australia and other English speaking countries, and probably most of them are struggling in Europe, though they executed projects for English speaking countries. Most of the projects including Digital Transformations even I got to chance to work on in my career were for US based customers. However, recently I got chance to work with some European giants. I thought to share my learnings & experiences after directly working with some of the big European accounts. Communication barrier - As I pointed above, Indian IT companies succeeded for most part in English speaking countries, in executing the project to completion. One of the prominent reason I think is since English is sort of primary language for all Indian companies. However, for most of the European countries English is ...

Cloud Platforms adding Strength to Digital Solutions!

  Cloud Platforms are getting stronger and humongous day by day. The two prominent cloud platforms that I got chance to work with and arguably the Market leaders - Microsoft with its Azure Cloud and Amazon with its Amazon Web Services (AWS), has a long list of services now offered through Cloud Platform. You can build Infrastructure, develop Web Apps & Mobile Apps, manage identity and access, do analytics, Internet of things, Database, IDEs and what not. As a Digital Architect, I recently got chance to evaluate various offerings by cloud platform vendors and to recommend best ones as a part of Digital transformation being done for a customer. Following is what I went with and it looked to be a reasonable recommendations - Infrastructure requirements – We opted for Azure VMs & Active Directory for managing servers. Every Digital WCM needs good amount of server resources, at the least 8 servers – Author and Publish instance for each DTAP (Dev, Test, Acceptance & Prod)...